IceBridge Science Team Meeting, UC Irvine, Jun. 20, 2017
Morning Combined Session
Project Science Office Mission Status
IceBridge Science Team / PARCA Meeting, NASA Goddard, Jan. 25 – 26, 2017
Morning Combined Session
Directions, campaign status and long range plans from the OIB Project Science Office
AMES Stereo Pipeline Terrain Generation for OIB
CReSIS instrument suite update for P-3
NSIDC Data access changes and portal update
2017 Arctic Proposed Flight Plans Document
Land Ice Breakout Session
Science Team goals: Ben Smith
Science Team goals: Bea Csatho
Science Team goals: Matt Siegfried
Science Team goals: Eric Rignot
New gravimeter for Greenland/Antarctica
Sea Ice Breakout Session
ICESat-2 Cal/Val
IceBridge Science Team / PARCA Meeting, NASA Goddard, Jan. 28 – 30, 2014
Operation IceBridge 2014 Campaign Sea Ice Planning
ICESat-2 Airborne Simulator (MABEL)
Snow Radar Tools Applicable for Sea Ice and SUMup Update
Annual Greenland Accumulation from Snow Radar
LVIS-ATM difference statistics for Greenland
ONR Sea State and Boundary Layer Physics of the Emerging Arctic Ocean Directed Research Initiative
Operation Ice Bridge 2014: Potential Environment Canada Collaboration
Reducing Uncertainty in Ice Thickness Estimation from Space-borne and Airborne Altimetry
Ship-Based Ice Measurements on Sikuliaq, ONR Sea State DRI
Development of the P-3 Aircraft Albedo Measurement System
Polynyas, Ice Production and its Seasonal Evolution in the Ross Sea
IceBridge Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Observations: 2009-2013
Automated Method in Deriving Local Sea Level Height from ATM L1B data
Spring Snow Depth on Arctic Sea Ice using IceBridge: Validation and Study
IceBridge vs. Suomi NPP VIIRS observations
OIB Open Science Meeting: Sea Ice
Operation IceBridge Arctic 2014 Campaign Sea Ice Planning
AltiKa – SARAL Radar Altimeter Recommendation for IceBridge under-flight
NRL/CRREL 2014 Arctic Field Campaign “Back to Barrow”
Radar Waveform Simulationsof Sea Ice Surface Roughness
OIB sea ice products status, evaluation, and updates
ONR Marginal Ice Zone Departmental Research Initiative (MIZ DRI)
ICESat-2 Project Science Operations Concept
IceBridge Science Team Meeting, NASA Goddard, Jan. 30 & 31, 2013
Haas – Coordination with the Canadian Space Agency
Jeffries – Marginal Ice Zone DRI
Kaminski and Kauker – Quantitative Design of Observational Networks for the Arctic
Kurtz – Status of OIB Sea Ice Community Products
Leuschen – Status and Recent Results From the CReSIS Ku-Band and Snow Radars
Li Li et al. – NRL Use of IceBridge Sea Ice Products
Mahoney – Use of OIB data to identify MY features in the Beaufort Sea
Newman et al. – An assessment of IceBridge airborne data quality over Arctic sea ice via comparison with in situ measurements gathered in the Beaufort Sea
Richter-Menge – OIB Science Team Meeting: Sea Ice Workshop
Rigor – Barrow Field Work – March 2013
Tschudi – CULPIS-X
Tschudi – MIZOPEX Unmanned Aircraft Project
Tschudi – Suomi-NPP VIIRS IST vs IceBridge KT-19
Webster and Rigor – Comparison of IceBridge and BROMEX Snow Thickness Measurements
Xie – Automated Method in Deriving Local Sea Level Height from ATM L1B data
Yi et al. – Waveform analysis of ATM sea ice and ground test data